Thursday, March 9, 2017

40 bags in 40 days first week

While I posted my daily results on facebook, I want to easily be able to see the progress I'm making all in one place. So here is my week 1 summary: 

40 bags day 1 and 2 - cleaned out bathroom cabinets and drawers, pantry in laundry room, and chest thingy by front door. Threw away a lot and have bunch of stuff to donate. Please no one buy me lotion ever again.

Day 3 -went thru sideboard, reorganized drawers, made pile of books to move to my bookshelf tomorrow, pulled out some stuff for thrift store. #40bagsin40days

Day 4 and 5 #40bagsin40days - yesterday i filled a box for the thrift store and dropped it off along with other bags of stuff, organized my dishtowels into a bin so they aren't strewn about the cupboard anymore, and did some laundry. Today i filled a trash bag of papers to be burned, put laundry away and am working on crocheting dishcloths while we hang out at the farm. Super relaxing and using up yarn!

Day 6 - taking a day off - long day at work, yarn group this evening and company for supper. Yarn group was very touching as one of the members recently passed and a nurse from her doctor's office stopped by with a donation the staff took up in her memory for the yarn ministry.

Day 7 - The rain is making me feel very unmotivated in general. Managed to put some laundry away but that was about it....

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Recipe Review - Monterrey chicken

Last night's dinner was Monterrey Chicken Skillet. It combined some things i eat, just usually not together. It was very easy, tastey and heats up well for lunch the next day. The blog also breaks down the cost per meal and serving which is nice and something different. I will be checking out more of their blog.

Next time I would throw it in the oven as a casserole to finis with the cheese and bbq evenly distributed. I also used a whole regular onion as i did not have green onion. I would also probably add more chicken and veggies, but that's just my personal preference.

I'll be curious to see what the husband thinks - he had some left over chili instead for supper, but was going to have these left overs for lunch.

**Image from
Smoky BBQ sauce, salty bacon, and creamy Monterrey Jack cheese come together in this quick, one-dish Monterrey Chicken Skillet.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Recipe Review - Lasagna Rolls

I love lasagna although for some reason my mom never made it growing up so it was always a special treat when someone would make it. I made this recipe for Lasagna rolls for the Super Bowl with the idea of having lots of left overs this week and it was fantastic.

A few things i did differently - i had about 2-3lbs of ground venison so i browned that up with lots of seasoning. I used fresh spinach, 2 eggs, whole pack of lasagna noodles, extra sauce and ricotta due to amount of meat.  I ended up with extra rolls that did not fit in the pan that i'll probably freeze or just reheat and i had extra meat/cheese mix that i'll just put in tortilla shells one day for lunch.

The one thing i really like about this recipe is that it's much easier to identify a portion as opposed to cutting squares. I also am not a fan of the burnt crispy edges that can happen when making it normally, so this also solves that issue.

Monday, January 30, 2017

42K in the bag

Today I hit the 42km mark in my You Vs. The Year challenge. I was more excited than i anticipated would be when i got the "badge". Even though it's just a virtual badge, it's still very motivating. The next badge is at 100km so i need to get my buns moving. My goal is 75km in February so i can get back on track for the year. I haven't been able to walk in the evenings as much as i had hoped and the weather isn't helping at all.

This past weekend, for the first time in months (and possibly since he got home in May), the hubs and i had an extremely rare 2 days where he was off work and we had nothing going on. i had forgotten what it was like to be able to spontaneously decide to go somewhere, have a leisurely lunch out and just relax together with no schedule. it was fantastic and i hope we have more of these weekends in the future. Side note - we joined costco on Saturday, which is NOT the day to venture to costco. holy crowds. lesson learned.

This week i plan to continue working on the book i am reading "As Always, Julia" which is a series of letters between Julia Child and her friend. I'm not very far along but it's interesting and an easy ready.  I am also working on some crocheting projects. Along with my fitness goals, i am also trying to set weekly project goals for myself - and learning to set realistic goals as i am the queen of setting unrealistic project goals for an evening or weekend.

What are your goals for this week and for February?

Friday, January 27, 2017

new kicks, new challenge

Last Saturday i finally went and got some new sneakers. Mine were overly worn/old and it was past time. I have to plug our local Inside Track store as they were, as always, amazing. I've been buying sneakers there off and on for 20 years and their staff is so knowledgeable and helpful. I am absolutely adoring my New Balance. I have worn Asics for many years but between my foot issues, orthotics, and Asics changing manufacturers about 2 years ago, they just do not work for me currently.  I get super excited to put my new kicks on to walk and they are so comfy. I am hoping they will continue to be motivation to keep moving!

Our wellness challenge ended last week and I was down a solid 8+lbs and am quite excited about it. I am continuing to weigh myself and watch what i eat as i want do be down another 5 by the end of February. Our weather has been horrible and made it difficult to get in a second walk after work for a while, but i have currently completed 37/1017 km's for the You vs. the Year challenge.

I did have a pinterest fail the other night. i tried making cheesy cauliflower "bread sticks". I knew they wouldn't be exactly the same as actual break sticks.....but no matter how long i baked them they didn't seem done and the texture was weird and so was the flavor. i was assured that enough ranch made them edible, but i am not going to make those ever again. You win some, you lose some. 

This weekend i plan to figure out some meals to make for next week and do a big grocery shopping trip, armed with my coupons!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Lazy Cabbage Rolls recipe

Last week I made this delicious recipe from - direct link:

A few notes: It was a little labor intensive so leave plenty of time or make rice ahead to save some prep.
I would suggest using food processor for cabbage and onion or really chopping fine. (My husband thought it was cauliflower and i didn't correct  him as supposedly he doesn't like cabbage...only sauerkraut) Brown rice or couscous could also prob be used. I didn't have mrs dash so used basil/parsley/oregano/garlic, etc. 

Mine made 16 rolls so next time would make more sauce as needed 2 pans to cook - had mostly
 enough sauce but we like extra. Also added cheese on top for last 5 min cuz, well, cheese is good. I think a splash of hot sauce in sauce or meat would be great.
Husband ate 4 "rolls" and said to make again. I am freezing some of left overs. Move over julia child, there is a new chef in the kitchen.

I have not tried, but i think you could make in an aluminum pan (minus the cheese if you add that) and freeze for later.

**Update: left overs were fantastic the next 2 days. i actually think they tasted better because the sauce soaked in more. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Wellness Challenge

This fall (and still) I participated in 2 wellness competitions at work. I've decided moving forward that blogging about them may be interesting and helpful to others and gives me a place to share recipes, ideas, tips, etc w/o boring people on my facebook feed.

Some background:
For most of my life i was blessed with a really good metabolism. i weighed the same from about 15-24ish. I finally gained some weight (not a bad thing) in my early-mid 20's and actually felt really good.  But slowly some more weight creeped on. In February of 2012, before I turned 30, i decided i wanted to get back in shape and do a 5k.  I started walking/running with my neighbor and did 2 mudruns and a trail 5k that year.  It was hard and by summer i wasn't running as much as i had been, but i still was in better cardiovascular shape than i had been since college.

Then around Sept of 2012 i started the most stressful/miserable job of my career and for almost 2 years i ate like crap, was stressed all the time, not sleeping well, blah blah blah. on came about 20-25+lbs over that time that has been very difficult to lose ever since and made it too easy to add more lbs on just by looking at food.

I hate exercising..i really do. i enjoy walking and feel great when i do go to the gym, but i have wasted more money on gym memberships over my lifetime than i care to admit. My husband loves to run and work out...i just do not have that in me. So that is always a struggle for me.

Tomorrow will be a summary of how the past 10+ weeks have gone, what has worked, what hasn't worked, and the story of the most disappointing doughnut of my life.